About Us

How We Got Started
Dharitri Agriculture is an agri services company, bringing about a change in the way agriculture is practised in India. Established in 2010, we aim to create an agricultural revolution by improving the quality of agri products and agri services in the country. By applying our experience, knowledge and skills in real-time projects, we create products that benefit our customers and our environment. We make our dream of agricultural innovation come true with qualified and experienced employees in the manufacturing, formulations and marketing departments.
Our Mission
Team Dharitri we are committed to better, safer & eco-friendly agrochemicals,
which is based on crop protection solution for Indian farmers. We believe in the
fact that the continuous growth and development of our business from past to
present is due to our philosophy in business operation. We are strongly
committed to the quality of our products, which are manufactured under a
highly qualified, experienced, and dedicated team of experts.
Our Vision
We aspire to create better, safer, and eco-friendly agro services in India for the world.
Our services
We use data in the agriculture industry, artificial intelligence (AI), and resources from our professionals to deliver the following services.

Organic Produce
- Organic produce boosts immunity
- There are zero toxic chemicals for good health
- High in antioxidants
- Better taste when cooked
- Highly nutritious

Healthy Cooking
Feeding your child a variety of foods from the start can help develop their taste buds, say experts. Today’s baby food isn’t just fruit pulp and cereal porridge; it’s Instagram-friendly and healthy.

Home Farming
- Grow plants in a home environment
- Profitable in both rural and urban homes
- Lucrative with the right techniques
- Builds a great urban farming community
- Reap benefits like efficient usage of the land, increased food security, better property value, and saves space